C Blanc Rose Recharge Program
*活动时间:** 即日起 - 12/31/2025
1. Zelle转账:转账相应金额的整数美金即可获得相应的消费额度。
2. 人民币转账:微信支付宝均可。
3. 网站palink付款:支持Visa,Mastercard,American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay(收取2.6%手续费)。
1. 每次消费相当于打九折
2. 适用于西琦花艺所有产品,包括服务类(活动布置等)
3. 永不过期
4. 可用于运费的抵扣和使用。运费根据客服计算方式直接抵扣
1. 跟微信客服下单每次消费后获得消费记录明细
2. 充值积分记录到C Blancer会员账号
3. 下单时邮箱登陆后再下单便于实时查看积分余额
1. 不得与亲友互用充值额度。
2. 充后不退款。
3. 若对余额有问题请消费后第一时间与客服咨询核对所有花礼的退款条约遵循网站所有legal。
4. 充值后的网站消费依然需要付消费税
5. 根据加利福尼亚州税务局的规定,所有在线销售都需要支付消费税,包括我们的充值活动。我们需要收取消费税,以确保我们的业务合法合规。
6. 注意事项里面加税率跟随国税局CDTFA随时调整税率以网站为准。
7. 具体来说,我们遵循加利福尼亚州税务局的《销售和使用税法》(Sales and Use Tax Law),该法规定所有在线销售都需要支付消费税。您可以访问加利福尼亚州税务局的网站(https://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/)了解更多关于消费税的信息。
8. 我们理解消费税可能会增加您的购买成本,但我们需要遵循法律规定,以确保我们的业务合法合规。我们感谢您的理解和配合。
9. 充值客户享受所有会员服务包括免费机打贺卡定制。
我们非常重视客人的隐私权,承诺保护客人的个人信息和隐私。我们将遵循加利福尼亚州消费者保密协议(California Consumer Privacy Act, CCPA)和其他相关法律法规,确保客人的个人信息得到妥善保护。
1. 姓名
2. 邮箱地址
3. 电话号码
4. 地址
5. 消费习惯
6. 浏览记录
7. 搜索记录
1. 提供更好的服务和体验
2. 处理订单和付款
3. 发送营销和促销信息
4. 改进我们的产品和服务
1. 客人同意分享
2. 法律要求分享
3. 我们需要与第三方合作伙伴合作来提供服务
1. 使用加密技术来保护数据传输
2. 使用安全服务器来存储数据
3. 定期更新和维护我们的安全系统
最终解释权归C Blanc Rose LLC所有。我们保留对本政策的修改和更新权,修改后的政策将在我们的网站上公布。请您定期查看我们的政策,以确保您了解我们的最新政策。
Recharge Program
Program Period: * Effective immediately - December 31, 2025
Program Introduction:
Recharge and receive a 10% bonus on your consumption amount. For example, recharge $1000 and receive $1100 in consumption amount, recharge $2000 and receive $2200 in consumption amount, recharge $3000 and receive $3300 in consumption amount, and so on. We follow the California Consumer Protection Laws to ensure our recharge program is compliant. There is no limit to the amount you can recharge.
Recharge Methods:
We offer multiple recharge methods, including:
1. Zelle Transfer: Transfer the corresponding amount in US dollars to receive the corresponding consumption amount.
2. RMB Transfer: WeChat and Alipay are accepted.
3. Website Palink Payment: Supports Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, and Google Pay (with a 2.6% handling fee).
Program Highlights:
1. Every consumption is equivalent to a 10% discount
2. Applicable to all products and services of C Blanc Rose, including event setup and other services
3. Never expires
4. Can be used to deduct and use shipping costs. Shipping costs are directly deducted according to the customer service calculation method.
Order Placement Method:
1. Place an order with our WeChat customer service at cblancrose or text to 6266988504 and receive a detailed consumption record after each consumption
2. Recharge points are recorded in the C Blancer member account
3. Log in to your email account before placing an order to view your point balance in real-time
Important Notes:
1. Recharge amounts cannot be shared with friends or family members.
2. No refunds after recharging.
3. If there are any issues with your balance, please contact our customer service immediately after consumption. All refund policies follow our website's legal terms.
4. Sales tax is still required for website consumption after recharging.
According to California law, all online transactions require payment of consumption tax. The sales and use tax is a tax collected by the California state government to support public services and infrastructure construction within the state.
5. According to the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA), all online sales require payment of consumption tax, including our recharge program. We need to collect consumption tax to ensure our business is compliant.
6. The tax rate follows the CDTFA's adjustment, and our website will be updated accordingly.
7. Specifically, we follow the CDTFA's Sales and Use Tax Law, which requires all online sales to pay consumption tax. You can visit the CDTFA's website (https://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/) for more information about consumption tax.
8. We understand that consumption tax may increase your purchase cost, but we need to follow the law to ensure our business is compliant. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
9. Recharge customers enjoy all member services, including free machine-printed greeting card customization.
Customer Privacy Protection:
We highly value our customers' privacy rights and promise to protect their personal information and privacy. We will follow the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and other relevant laws and regulations to ensure our customers' personal information is properly protected.
The personal information we collect from our customers includes but is not limited to:
1. Name
2. Email address
3. Phone number
4. Address
5. Consumption habits
6. Browsing records
7. Search records
We will use this information to:
1. Provide better services and experiences
2. Process orders and payments
3. Send marketing and promotional information
4. Improve our products and services
We will not share our customers' personal information with any third party unless:
1. The customer agrees to share
2. The law requires sharing
3. We need to cooperate with third-party partners to provide services
We will take reasonable security measures to protect our customers' personal information, including:
1. Using encryption technology to protect data transmission
2. Using secure servers to store data
3. Regularly updating and maintaining our security systems
Final Interpretation:
The final interpretation right belongs to C Blanc Rose LLC. We reserve the right to modify and update this policy, and the updated policy will be published on our website. Please check our policy regularly to ensure you understand our latest policy.